Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Presentation on Science Notebooking

How To Begin Whole Brain Teaching: 1

I stumbled upon this while searching through Pinterest and I am so glad I did.
Here is the video link and the description that accompanies the video.
I hope to learn more and post more soon!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Science Notebooking

Science notebooks have come a long way from sticking notes and worksheets inside a three-ring binder. Many teachers are now using a new strategy that makes notebooks more interactive. In the past I've used the three-ring binder method and watched students lose important documents. It may work for some students but it doesn't reach the majority. Two years ago I attempted to incorporate interactive notebooking into my classes. I failed miserably with it! So now I am going to fix my mistakes and offer help to others through blog postings, pictures and examples.

Getting started: 

Begin by making sure each student has their own notebook. I have used one-subject spiral notebooks and five-subject spiral notebooks. This year I will be using a regular composition book.

 To add or not to add a table of contents?

 A table of contents may be difficult to keep up with the first time using interactive notebooking. It is important to plan out each page very well before adding it into your daily lesson plan. Please take into account that student handwriting size and style will vary. Which could mean that not every student ends up on the same page each time. If you are using the left side/right side technique, the handwriting issue may become a problem for you and the student. Just be sure and have a plan in place if a student requires more space for their writing. Some plans may include to limit the number of sentences used in student responses, attaching a top sheet by stapling in extra paper, or by taping another sheet to the bottom of the page and having the student to fold the new piece up. If you do decide to add this section to your notebooks you should check out the Middle School Science web page for an example.

Setting up the pages: 

My plan for this upcoming school year is to use a generic notebook paper template to display what should go onto each page. I will simply add a text box to the right side and have the notes and such typed out for my students.

Left Side vs. Right Side:

Here are some ideas for what could go on each side.  There are so many possibilities for this type of notebooking.  Be creative in the process of planning.  

Think! Write! Pass!

Think! Write! Pass! 

Thanks to Cooperative Learning 365 for the inspiration!
Students are paired up with their lab buddies and are given the activity handout.  One student goes first by writing one answer to any question on the handout.  Next, that student passes the handout to their lab buddy to do the same.  This continues until all questions are answered completely.

The following is an example I plan to use for the Periodic Table.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

End of Year- Vocabulary Photo Album

My students participated in a vocabulary activity that will be used with future students. They helped create vocabulary photo albums based on the terms they've studied throughout the school year. When the next school year begins I'll have a photo album for each table group to use as a science glossary.

What we did...
First, I created a simple template for my students to use.

I cut out each section and handed them out randomly. Students had multiple cards to complete and a letter of the alphabet was assigned to each card. From there, students decided which vocabulary word they wanted to use, added the definition and illustrated the word.

As students completed a card they placed them in stacks alphabetically. That made it easier to see which words we were missing.

I had purchased photo albums/brag books from a local dollar store. We used the photo albums to store the completed vocabulary cards. So next school year I have a visual glossary for my students to use and the best part is that it is chocked full of the vocabulary words for 8th grade science!