At one time in my career, I loved getting creative and sharing every single idea I had. It was not only a hobby, it was a passion of mine. I spent countless hours shopping for classroom décor and searching the latest and greatest teaching strategies. I would put my own personal spin on these strategies and reflect on them daily. But then it happened. I hit a mental brick wall and had the wind completely taken from my sails. All of a sudden I felt defeated in every attempt to be the teacher I knew I should be. As a teacher who is having difficulties, it is so easy and tempting to place the blame of these difficulties on a non-supportive administration, teacher cliques, and self-absorbed colleagues. Oh the stories I could tell and I'm sure every other teacher has stories to match! Maybe one day I will write a post where we can all share our war stories. But for now, I have to turn this around and I know it starts with me. Hurt feelings and the struggle to be treated fairly/equally should never change the way a teacher prepares for their students. There will always be someone in your life trying to break you. Accept this, have a plan to deflect them, and move on. However, never let them keep you from doing what feels right in your heart. Be open to their ideas but stand up for what you believe in even if you're not in the majority. Keep a positive attitude, a smile on your face, and your eyes on the prize - - - those impressionable students! They are the reason I'm there in the first place.