Monday, July 13, 2015

Preparing for a new school year...

It seems that every summer I spend a lot of time shopping various Dollar Tree stores and other places looking for classroom decorations and other ideas.  This summer isn't much different other than the late start I've had.  I'm also spending some time reflecting on last school year and analyzing the good and the bad points.  This has led me to think more of strategies and ideas for "growing" my students instead of wondering which decorating technique I want to use.  One thing I want to improve is being able to keep parents in the know.  I have on average over 100 students.  Calling every parent on a weekly basis is not what I want to do!  Alternatives to that will include class texts and keeping my classroom web page up to date!  So with this new focus of mine I want to ask for some advice.  As a parent what would you want to see on your child's teacher's web page?

The ongoing list -
1.   Contact info
2.  Class schedule
3.  Learning goals
4.  Resources for study
5.  Classroom pics
6.  Assignments

What other suggestions do you have?


Lisa said...

One of the things the parents of my students love is that I upload worksheets we have done in class on my webpage. This has helped them, if they see a missing assignment and there is no excuse if a student left their work in school. I also put a link to access their book online, with specific directions on how to log on.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Lisa! Do you find it difficult to keep the uploading current? I know how busy I get and sometimes get so far behind that I feel it is pointless to try and catch up. This really is something I want to do weekly though! Do you have any suggestions for not falling behind?

Anonymous said...

My school requires a class webpage and strongly recommends uploading assignments. I have found that it is easiest to just snap a pic with my cell phone, email it to my desktop and then upload the jpeg. It isn't great quality but I don't have time in my days to go to the main office to scan to email and hope it worked. I haven't had any complaints from students or parents about the jpeg format. Like I said, it isn't the best way to do it but it works for me!

Unknown said...

I love those ideas! I think I will try the cell phone idea. I'd be willing to bet that I could even get student volunteers to help take the photos and email them to me. That may take a little of the work load off me!

Thanks to all of your for your thoughts and ideas!

Anonymous said...

Try the app CamScanner. You can take a picture on your phone and it will convert it to pdf.

Unknown said...

Thanks! Just downloaded it!